Ethiopia approves Gadaa courses for early education in capital city
The Ministry of Education approved a plan to teach the indigenous Oromo Gadaa system in Finfinnee/Addis Ababa schools. The course will be taught from 1 to 8 grades, and it will not be mandatory.
Oromo critics say Prosperity Party (PP) is politicizing the plan to win Oromo support, but this was an old proposal planned by the previous Finfinnee Mayor Diriba Kuma.
Non-Oromo critics say the course should be mixed inside regular history class.
Ministeerri barnootaa sirna Gadaa manneen barnootaa sadarkaa tokkoffaa Afaan Oromoo Finfinneetti argaman keessatti barsiisuu mirkaneesse. Barumsichi kutaa 1-8 tti kan kennamu yoo ta’u, fedhii barattootaa irratti hunda’eeti.

Xinxaltootni Oromoo akka jedhanitti Partiin Badhadhiinnaa deeggarsa Oromoo argachuudhaaf sagantaa kantiibaa duraanii, ka Dirribaa Kumsaa hojiirra oolche jedhu.
Xiinxaltoonni Amaaraa immoo barumsichi barumsa idilee “Seenaa” keessatti makamuu qaba malee akka barnoota tokkootti hin kennamu jedhu.